MegaMek Terrain

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Terrain in MegaMek

Type Description
Building Any man-made structure. Could be a house, factory or office building. Has a Construction Factor (CF). May contain a basement. May be destroyed by weapon and physical attacks.
Hill Any terrain extending above level zero. Not a terrain type per se, but change in elevation of the base terrain. Standing behind a hill will provide cover and may obscure line of sight.
Depression Any terrain extending below level zero. Not a terrain type per se, but change in elevation of the base terrain.
Ice Ice covered land or ice that does not have liquid water beneath it.
Lava Molten rock. Can damage or destroy units that come into contact with it. Adds heat to meks that walk or run across it.
Trees or Woods Hexes containing trees or dense plants of some sort. Two kinds. Light and Heavy. Impedes movement, can block line of sight. Units in woods are harder to hit.
Swamp Marshy wetlands. Meks and non-hover vehicles may become stuck if moving across swamps.
Rough/Broken Rocky or uneven ground. Provides no cover but slows movement.
Water Liquid water that is at least one level deep. Hover vehicles can enter a water hex (traveling on the surface) same as a clear hex. Meks entering water will be partially or completely submerged (depending on water depth) and must make a successful piloting roll or fall. Any open hit locations submerged will be flooded and any systems in that hit location are considered destroyed until the end of the game.
Water (Frozen) Water terrain with a covering of ice. Frozen water has CF like buildings and units that exceed the CF of the ice will fall through. Additionally, units crossing frozen water have a 1-in-6 (16.65%) chance of breaking through regardless of tonnage. Units that jump onto ice have a 3 in 6 (50%) chance of breaking through.

The forty different ways the terrain types come together. For that list, see: Planetary Terrain

Specific information on the Terrain Types can be found in the Catalyst Games Rule Books Total Warfare primarily and the rules are spread across many pages and sections. Page 63 covers effects of Terrain on Movement. Page 100 covers the effect on Shooting in combat.