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Java 9

Java 9 moved some of the functionality of XML out of the J2SE module and into the J2EE module, which is not loaded by default in the JRE. This results in the client erroring out with the following message in megameklog.txt:

ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException

You can fix this by adding the following to your java command:

--add-modules java.se.ee

Scaling Problem with 4K screens in Java 8


Swing declares itself as self-scaling, but that is not actually the case, so when you view the MekWars client on a 4K screen, you see something similar to the image attached. There are a couple possible fixes:

Update to Java 9

But see the above FAQ entry re: Java 9 and the J2EE modules

Set the High DPI Scaling option

  1. Find java.exe you installed.
  2. Right click -> Properties
  3. Go to Compatibility tab
  4. Check Override high DPI scaling behavior.
  5. Choose System for Scaling performed by: