MekWars Versions

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On this page, I will be putting all information that SOs need to upgrade from one version to the next.

Upgrading to v0.7.0.0

Tracker configuration was moved from serverconfig.dat to campaignconfig.dat. This allows us to change our tracker information without having to reboot the server. You can find an explanation of the new Tracker Menu on this wiki.

This is also to accomodate a new tracker. Right now, I have only replicated the existing functionality, so the UUID you generate in this panel is of no use. Going forward, this new tracker (HPGNet) will facilitate communication between servers, so SOs and user bases can talk to each other, help each other out, etc.

Upgrading to v0.7.0.1

There are several new server-side libraries. Make sure your lib directory is up to date.

Also, new admin.jar

Upgrading to Client v0.7.0.2

New version of MegaMek. That has several graphical requirements that need attention on the MW side. A forcegenerator folder was added to the data directory, and lots of images were updated.